Tuesday, November 29, 2011

The Shawshank Redemption

A normal day with normal chaos . But a gush of wind came in turned the life into a list of puzzles and mazes to solve. A person i looked up to for all my solution was no more there to look after me.

But amid all the chaos and sadness picture started getting clear , Death do not have a sense when to enter the stage it just enters when ever it feels like . The whole play of life , whole story of life has to be rewritten . 

We live our whole life to make our future better with no sense of whats gonna happen tomorrow. we dont even know whether we are part of the very future we are trying to plan for and live for  .

Learnt it a hard way live the life to the moment , beacause we never knw when god start missing us and suddnly decides to call us back .

If u have somebody you love somebody u wanna tell something somboby u just wanna hug go and do it you might not get other chance . I know it because i wanted to tell a lot of things i wanted to tell how much i loved him but when i got up in the morning he was no more . The feelings and love just went unexpressed.

Death might take the body away ............ but memories and love is mine and m gonna hold onto it .

Love you dad........